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Using Progressive Overload

Progressive overload is an extremely important principle if one intends to

improve in an area. In the fitness world, this is most commonly spoken of in

terms of resistance (more weight). In order to see progression, one must

progressively overload the system in order to elicit further adaptations in size and

strength. There many more ways one can add this overload though and it does

not necessarily, or at all, have anything to do with more resistance. A runner

could progressively overload by adding distance, or even attempting to shave

seconds/minutes from a particular distance run. In the gym, one could decrease

rest periods or even add in volume (extra reps/sets) to elicit this response. A

boxer or MMA fighter could add in extra sparring rounds with varying degrees of

intensity to prepare for a particular opponent's style. So on and so forth....

Here is a part Power Day Workout that I am currently doing. This particular phase

consists of 4 weeks of Total Body workouts. Once per week there is a Power Day,

where explosiveness is the focus. Below are some snippets from week 1 and week

2 just to give a glimpse of progressive overload being utilized. The actual workout

itself consists of a few other exercises.

Workout 1: 60 seconds rest between all sets

Box Jumps | 3 sets | 30 seconds each

BB Clean and Press | 3 sets | 60% 1RM 6 reps

Deadlift Bent-Rows | 3 sets | 60% 1RM 6 reps

Workout 2: 45 seconds rest between all sets

Box Jumps | 3 sets | 45 seconds each

BB Clean and Press | 3 sets | 75% 1RM 6 reps

Deadlift Bent-Rows | 3 sets | 75% 1 RM 6 reps

As you can see, changes were made to shock the systems (musculoskeletal and

nervous) in order to elicit a response and improve my ability to exert force,

powerfully with certain amounts of resistance, within certain periods of time.

The moral of the story is that, as humans, especially those with improved

performance in mind, should always be seeking to “progressively overload”. As

with most endeavors of importance, this should be done with a plan and not

haphazardly. So, no matter what you are pursuing in regards to fitness, or

anything else for that matter. Be sure to continually push yourself to better than

the last time. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, ALWAYS.......

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